Please read the T&Cs below and confirm your agreement
In consideration of, and as an inducement to enrolling as a student of Periwinkle, I represent and agree as follows:
Covid Secure Declaration
In addition to our liability waiver (below), we would like to bring your attention an additional declaration, regarding Covid-19, that each member must agree to before taking classes with Periwinkle.
You agree that by booking into a class with Periwinkle, that:
• are not suffering from any coronavirus symptoms and have not had any symptoms within the previous 7 days
• have not (as far as you are aware) been in close contact* with anyone with coronavirus symptoms within the previous 14 days
• are not ‘shielding’ so have no underlying health condition which may make you particularly vulnerable to coronavirus
• undertake to declare immediately any onset of symptoms or close contact* with anyone who has symptoms of coronavirus
* For COVID-19, 'close contact' is defined as anyone who has been within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours before the person began feeling sick until the time the patient was isolated.
1. I will faithfully follow all instructions given to me as to when, where and how to perform and not perform yoga exercises, it being understood that any deviation by me from such instructions shall be at my own risk.
2. These classes entail intensive physical activity and exertion by me. I recognise that such physical activity and exertion may be difficult and strenuous and may cause or aggravate a physical injury or medical condition. I am fully aware of and accept any risks and hazards involved.
3. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician/GP and receive approval prior to yoga practice with Diana Wellbeing. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and I have no medical condition or injury, which would prevent me from fully participating in these yoga sessions. Any impairment I have I will disclose to you in writing.
4. In consideration of being permitted to participate in Diana Wellbeing, I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, conditions, injuries or damages, know or unknown, which I might incur or aggravate as a result of my participation.
5. In future consideration of being permitted to participate in Diana Wellbeing I knowingly, voluntarily and expressly waive any claim I may have against it, for any injury, condition or damages that I may sustain as a result of entering or being on the premises or participating in Diana Wellbeing.
6. My heirs and legal representatives forever release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Diana Wellbeing, for any injury, condition, or death which arises, is caused by or is aggravated by reason of my participation.
7. I understand that it is my continuing responsibility to inform Diana of any previous or current medical conditions, injuries or surgeries prior to my first class.
8. The tuition paid herewith and any registration fees paid hereafter are non-refundable. Refunds, if any, shall be entirely at the discretion of Diana Wellbeing.
9. I also understand that, except for a monetary refund, I have no claims against Diana Wellbeing by reason of their refusal to allow me to participate in Yoga classes.