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Private Class
Limited availability
Work one-to-one with me in a light-hearted, encouraging environment, through movements that are tailored specifically to you.
Discover tips and tricks for getting into postures and making the difficult easy.
All personal classes include a 15-minute catch-up prior to the class, as well as ongoing support to help move you past your blocks, fears and conditioning.
Your first personal class includes a free 30-minute consultation, available in advance or directly before your first class.
Block bookings available to make it easier to commit to a regular practice.
Single Private Class
5 Class Pack
10 Class Pack
Friends & Family Special
£30 (60 mins)
Get your family or close friends together for a special individually tailored class.
A group class for your birthday? Disco Yoga on a Friday evening? Competitive Sun Salute Tuesday afternoon? Or maybe a lazy Sunday morning stretch?
Shake up your weekly Zoom catch up with some yoga, dancing, funky costumes and amazing tunes! Invite as many guests as you want (as long as you don’t mind their company!). Get your pets involved. Pour yourself a glass of prosecco and have a party
Book below and I’ll be in touch x
Discounts available for block bookings, please enquire
Free 30 min chat
No obligation consultation to identify your needs and goals.
Either before your first booking or combine it with your first personal class, where we will discuss your requirements in the first 30 minutes and then move right onto taking action to move you from where you are to a healthier, stronger and more mobile you.